In Game Camera View
Did some looking here on the forum and didnt see any thing about this so here goes...
This is an idea for those of that are big fans of fps games, and how the camera action is in those
Wouldnt it be nice if we could either lock a certain camera view or to atleast have an area to check in the general tab to have the camera auto face the enemy we are fighting.
As it stands now (or atleast from what i can see) You always have to manually adjust the camera view manually. And when you are in a fight with multiple foes some times its hard to see exactly which you are hitting. I mean if you hit target next and it happens to be behind you to the south your character may turn but the camera view still points to the north, and you have no idea who it is your hitting(cept for the interface on the screen that gives you the lvl and name) but you cant see the actual target.
What does every one else think??
Last edited by Vizier Bolan; Jul 25, 2007 at 03:19 PM // 15:19..